Partnering with local churches to help bring support to foster/adoptive families & kids in Fort Bend County.
"Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this:
to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world."
- James 1.27
A couple of times a year, local churches partner together to host a Parents' Night Out for foster and adoptive families in Fort Bend County. Trained volunteers babysit at a designated church location. This allows parents to get away for a few hours to unwind, relax, and enjoy each other - kid free. We will post every Parents' Night Out with details like location, time, and RSVP information in the events section below. Our next Parents' Night Out will be on Dec 6, 2024. You can email Samantha Wilbanks at with any questions you may have.
The DePelchin Children's Center in Richmond is a Residential Treatment program. This program treats children and adolescents struggling with severe mental, emotional or behavioral problems that inhibit normal functioning in a family setting. The purpose of the program is to help youths develop the coping methods, internal control and social skills they need to transition to a home environment. We send a team of volunteers to the Depelchin Center the last Saturday of every month.
Upcoming Events
Foster and Adoptive parents are encouraged to take a night for themselves. Meanwhile, your children will be cared for by agency approved volunteers to provide a safe, structured, and fun environment that includes dinner, crafts, and games galore.
The deadline to sign-up is Dec 4, 2024.